Cubs Welcome to Llanishen & Lisvane Cub Packs. AGE: 8-10½ TIMES DURING TERM TIME: Tues 1815-1945 Terrific Tigers – Livsey Hall, Court Field, Llanishen CF14 5UX Wed 1855-2015 Wild Wolves – Livsey Hall, Court Field, Llanishen CF14 5UX Wed 1845-2015 Lisvane Cubs Lisvane Scout Hall, Heol y Delyn, CF14 0SR NUMBERS: 24 PER PACK, DIVIDED INTO 4 SIXES During their time with us, we hope that the Cubs will make new friends, think of other people and the world around them and start to develop leadership skills by the time they leave Cubs to go to Scouts and have FUN! In modern times of computers and TV’s, it is important to experience our great outdoors. We spend large parts of our pack nights, taking part in activities outside. We want the Cubs to remember the great times they had and some of the skills that they learned. We hope that all our Cubs will become Scouts and continue the adventure. Cubs was originally based on the theme of the Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling, so there is a Leader called Akela and a Grand Howl at the beginning of every Pack night. Cubs are expected to arrive looking smart, taking pride in their uniform. After having been in Cubs for approximately four weeks, a Cub will be invested, when he will be allowed to wear the black and red neckerchief of the Group. Cubs work to gain many badges, during their time with us. The final badge which they can be awarded is the Chief Scout’s Silver Award if they achieve all the requirements. Cub Scout Promise I promise that I will do my best, To do my duty to God and the Queen, To help other people and to keep the Cub Scout Law. Cub Scout Law Cub Scouts always do their best, Think of others before themselves, And do a good turn every day. What we do. Scouting Activities, Fun and Games, Sport, Badgework, Art and Craft, Cooking, Visitors, Hiking, Cycling, Swimming, Charity fundraising, Outdoor Activities in nearby country areas, visiting places of interest We are part of the North District of Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Scout Area. We take part in the full list of District, Area and National Cub events. Camping During the Easter holidays, we usually have a weekend away in a bunkhouse. We also go camping at least once a year. WHAT THEY THOUGHT OF CUBS! Cubs is great fun, I like the outdoor activities best, especially when we go exploring in the woods. Bike riding was cool at the Father and Cub Camp. This was the best thing I have ever done. (after the High Ropes Course at camp) Camping is great!. I really enjoyed my time in Cubs! The ice skating was brilliant!. The games in the snow were “cool”. Thank you to all the Leaders for making Cubs fun!. The food was brilliant! (after eating their own cooking at Camp) It is great getting to know the Cubs, watching them change and develop over 3 years. I have done so many exciting things since becoming a Cub Leader that I never would have achieved otherwise. I have met some wonderful people through Scouting. I love going to Cub Camp! Akela